Mixing it with the primates. Dragging your knuckles and picking fleas? OOK OOK! OOK OOK MOTHERFUCKER!
You're not like them and you know it! You want to escape somewhere and be you? The REALLY REAL you? TOO BAD! YOU CAN'T! Unless you wanna be the next shack dwelling wacko... But there IS something you can do.
Hopefully they already think you're one of them, so we can skip the lesson in camouflage. Now, look around, there's some apes that are "different" aren't there? They don't act like the other apes. They look, and act and talk contrary to the rest. You might even have spent some time with them, or thought maybe you'd belong better with them. Want the secret? They're exactly like the rest! If any of them actually "gets" it and see's what you can see, they've already lost the game, they've already blown their chance to change things. Since they chose to wear a different type of fur than the other, "normal" apes, they've been labeled as "Outsiders", or "Threats" or "Anarchists" or worse. Any message they might have had, is now completely lost in preconceived notions.
So you, you're still in the clear right? The rest of the knuckle draggers think you're just like them? Are you starting to see just how great an opportunity you have? The best place to be when you want to change things, improve things, or even just shake things up is right where you are, the inside!
So you want to start things, but where to begin?
The Discordian Society might be a place to start.
We're not waiting for you, but if you hurry there might still be some fun left when you get here.
Rev. M. Star K.S.C.